Lesson 5 - Second Missionary Journey of Paul
Lesson 5
Second Missionary Journey of Paul
Objective: To fulfill our responsibility to preach the gospel in Jerusalem, Judea, and to the uttermost part of the world by avoiding all obstacles.
Bible portion: Acts 15: 16
Memory verse: Acts 26: 19, 20
" Therefore King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision but declared first to those in Damascus and in Jerusalem, and throughout all the region of Judea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent, turn to God, and do works befitting repentance.
Paul started his second missionary journey just after the first Jerusalem council. So Gospel reached Europe. Paul began writing epistles during this time. We should understand the chief place and events in the Journey, and the epistle was written then.
The 15th chapter of Acts deals with the first church council at Jerusalem. The council was held by apostles, elders, and the entire church in making decisions of circumcising the Gentiles coming to faith. The meeting was historic in concluding the fact that the freedom of the gospel is important, and it is by faith one is saved, not because of circumcision and the custom of the law. Paul was very happy at this (Gal 2:1-10). It stood as the basis of the second missionary journey of Paul.
Paul and his companions reached Antioch just after the council and started the journey.
Second Missionary Journey (Acts 15: 35-40)
What was the reason for disagreement of Paul with Barnabas, who had been with Paul for the last ten years? What is the relationship between Barnabas and Mark? What was more convenient; Paul's strictness or Barnabas's liberal attitude?
Mark, who was not useful, became a good companion of Paul (Col 4:10, 2 Tim 4:11). Barnabas, with Mark, went to Cypress, his native place. Paul and Silas visited the old mission fields.
Timothy ( Acts 16:1-5)
When Paul took the time to visit the old mission fields of his first missionary journey, he saw the young disciple in the form of Timothy, who hailed from Lystra, where Paul faced severe persecution. Timothy became a good disciple and co-worker of Paul. Why Paul permitted Timothy to undergo circumcision? Timothy's father was a Greek. So he was not circumcised. In order to make him acceptable in the house and synagogues of Jews. Paul permitted him to do so. We can also read about his mother and grandmother. (2 Tim 1:5)
Newly visited places
A. Galatia in Asia - Minor
During the work, the churches were established in Galatia, one of the provinces in Asia- Minor. Paul had to stay at Galatia due to physical problems. Learn from the epistle to Galatians about how Paul was invited there and also about the success of his ministry (Gal 4:12-15, 3:15, 1, 2); which were the places that the holy spirit - did not permit Paul to visit? (Acts 16:6, 7). But God strengthened him to minister Lord in Asia much during his 3rd missionary journey. God used him mightly in the European continent where more doors of the gospel were opened in this time.
Macedonian Call
Troas was a historical place situated on the northwest Asian continent. They reached Toras by traveling on Road 900 miles from Galatia. The coast of Europe can be seen from here. Paul received a Macedonian call here. (Calling of Paul, an Asian, from Europe by a Macedonian.)
Luke joins the journey
See the phrase "we" in Acts 16:10 Luke, the author of the gospel of Luke and Acts of Apostles joined Paul, Silas and Timothy at Troas.
B. Macedonian Province in Europe
1. Philippi
Paul reached Macedonia for missionary activities. It is famous as the native place of Great Alexander. The city was built by King Philip, the father of Alexander. It was a Roman colony. The city did not occupy a Jewish synagogue because there were not many Jews present there. But some pious jews took time together beside the river on sabbath days.
Lydia - the first believer in Europe (16:11-15)
Lydia belonged to Thyatira in the Asian province and was a purple cloth dealer in Philippi. She was the first convert in Europe. The first meeting of Paul was a gathering of women.
Lydia's repentance
The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul's message. She and her household members accepted the word and declared their position by taking water baptism. She opened her house for Lord and his servants. The first church gathering in Europe was conducted here. (Acts16:40)
Healing of Demon-possessed slave girl.
There was a slave girl who earned a great deal of money fo her owners by fortune-telling. What is her testimony of Paul (Acts 16:17)? Why did her owner become angry?
Muting in city
What was the charge raised against Paul and Silas? What was the reason behind the muting (Acts 16:19). Paul and Silas were severely persecuted.
Paul and Silas in Prison
Why had they been guarded in the inner cell of jail? The people of the city believed that Paul and Silas were extraordinary men. They watched them early, drawing out demons from the sorcerer.
Prayer and Singing hymns to God at midnight
Paul and Silas had been put into the inner cell of the jail by fastening their feet in the stocks, and their bodies were full of wounds. But they praised by singing hymns to God.
Earthquake in the prison
Suddenly there was a violent earthquake. It was a different experience. The foundations of the prisons were shaken. All the doors flew open and chains of all prisoners loose. But prisoners did not move from their cells.
Jailor about to kill himself
Why jailor was deciding to kill himself after woking up suddenly? There was a loving word from inner cell - Don's harm yourself. God doesn't want anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance (2 Pet 3:9, Jh 10:10)
What must I do to get saved?
With the help of lights, the jailor rushed into the cell and met Paul and Silas. His question is the question of entire humanity. God has the answer. Believe in the Lord Jesus. You and your household will be saved. Paul spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all others in his house. Immediately he and his family members baptised. Paul and Silas were invited to the jailor's house and a meal was set before them (Acts 16:34)
Joy in the whole family
If Paul did not speak the word, what would be the experience of the Jailor?
Roman Citizen
By realizing the extra ordinary event, the magistrates forced to release Paul and Silas. Paul raised his Roman citizenship here. The magistrate of Phillipi, a Roman colony, understood the seriousness of the matter. The officers came to appear them because their stay in the city would endanger them. the people who were praying at Ludis's house became happy (16:10).
The Church at Philippi
See how the Philippian Church arose from persecution became a comfort for Paul in later years (Phili 4: 10-20). The Church started growing with the jailor's repentance. Luke stayed here and served them. Many years later, a letter was written by Paul at Roman prison. It came to be known as the epistle to Phillippians. The phrase "happiness" is used many times in the epistles; why? Note: Lydia, Jailor and the members of his household were baptized. The word of the Lord has been spoken to the entire family. He and his family were baptized and filled with joy. Through these phases we can understand that the people got baptized after they listened to the word of God. Apostles and the early church did not baptize infants. Baptism was fo the mature ones who believed in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
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